8”x8”x1.5” unframed painting dimension.
This listing is for the unframed painting. Please add the frame to the cart separately below. Note that this size frame is on order and I may not be able to deliver in time for the holidays.Custom framing options available for an additional charge.
Oil and cold wax medium on Arches oil paper mounted to a cradled wooden panel. The piece will be signed and dated on the back of the panel. I do my best to accurately photograph and represent my work in my listings but please remember that colors can vary from screen to screen.
Paintings from this collection will be carefully packaged and shipped within two weeks of placing your order. This is to ensure that the painting is thoroughly dry and professionally finished for shipping.
Please select “Small Painting” for US shipping or “Small Painting Worldwide” for International shipping as your shipping method at checkout. These are flat fee shipping rates—I will contact you after purchase and invoice you/refund you for any difference in shipping fees or if you select the wrong option at checkout. If you are in the Metro Detroit area and would prefer to pick up your painting select “Local PickUp” at checkout and I will get in touch with you to arrange for pick-up or local delivery to you.
Frame Your Painting
***This size frame is on order—I will do my best to fulfill these orders in time for Christmas but delivery can not be guaranteed**
The perfect finish for your beautiful painting. I will frame your painting with this simple, elegant white floater frame. Finished with a wire hanger on the back so all you have to do after you receive your painting is decide where to hang it! The finished frame size is 7.5”x9.5”.